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Accepted Art File Formats

  • Adobe InDesign (.indd)

  • Adobe Illustrator (.ai)

  • Adobe Photoshop (.psd)

  • Adobe PDF (.pdf)


Accepted Data File Formats

  • Tab-Delimited (.txt) and Comma-Delimited (.csv)
    *Please include a file layout, or make the header the first record.

  • Fixed Field (.txt)
    *Please include a record layout with field lengths.

  • Excel (.xls)
    *Please make sure there is no text-wrapping within fields.


Accepted Font Formats

  • TrueType

  • OpenType

*Please include all fonts (printer and screen) used within your document.


Accepted Image Formats

  • Adobe PhotoShop (.psd)

  • PostScript (.eps)

  • Tagged Image File Format (.tiff or .tif)

  • JPG

  • PDF

*Please provide all photographs and halftones in either CMYK or grayscale color spaces.​


Upload Art Files

Before you click on the upload button, please:

  • Make sure to provide all fonts, linked graphics, and images from your document.

  • Compress your files into a single zipped or stuffed file.

  • Include identifying information in the name of the compressed file, for example:

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